Importance of your website

coming at good position

in SERP!



Being an owner of a website is a matter of proud for most of us.

A genuine question arises that what is the use of the website, if your website is not getting the visitors?


The question is fair enough. If no one (other than you and your near one) is coming to visit your website then that website is useless. Let me explain this line.


A website in general provides three type of things,

one is Service, second is Information and the third is Product. Now in the first case if your website is providing any services then what is the use of that website if no one is coming to use that service?


Again in the case of an informational website

if no one is going to read your informational articles then what is the use of that website? For the third type of website it is quite obvious that if no one is purchasing the product then that website is quite useless.


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Other than these there are a financial issue too attached with the website.

There are so many websites which provide a way to earn from your website, like Google Adsense, Widgetbucks etc. and there are so many websites which provide us the opportunity to earn cash from home,


 from your website, working part time from your home etc. etc.

Also we can earn money from becoming the affiliate of any good website. Now if your website is attached with any of these earn money from your website offer then still you won’t be able to earn any thing if no visitors are coming to your website.


Otherwise if our website is an affiliate

of a website then also we are not going to get any thing unless we can be able to sell there products from our website and unless our website is not getting visitors then how come we think about converting them into customer.


So ultimately,

a visitor for a website is like having life in any human being. If a human being has no life then he is dead, in the same way if the website has no visitor then the website is also dead.


So, ultimately we all require visitors for our website.

Now a big question arises: How? How can we get visitors? There are so many ways. One way is to run PPC (pay per click) campaigns like Google Adwords.

If we are having a good budget then we can utilize that budget by spending them on Adwords and by this way we can get visitors.



Next ay is to submit your website in directories.

There are so many web directories available in the net from where we can get visitors by submitting our website in the proper category.


Now if some one reached to that website for a search for that particular category then there is a chance that he or she can visit our website.


Next way to get visitors is to write down some informative article and submit those in some good sites which accept articles written by others,like ezinearticles, goarticles, articledashboard etc.


These websites are commonly known for the visitors who really want to study good content,

so if they will like the article written by you then there is a higher probability that they will surely visit your website.Here is one more way to get visitors for your website.

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You can submit the news related to your website to the social book marking sites and you are sure to get visitors from there. Is there any other way to get visitors?


Well there are so many ways but the most important

and the simplest way of getting visitors is from Search Engines. Suppose if your website is providing information about car’s and some one comes to Google and searches Car Review and your website came at the very first page of the SERP,


then it is quite obvious that he will visit your website.


What if your website is coming at the very first page of all the searches related to your main keyword? Obviously your website will automatically get lots and lots of targeted traffic.


Targeted in the sense since the people who are visiting your website were those only who were searching for that particular thing only.


So that’s all the importance of your website coming good at SERP. It is really not a small thing to reach to the top position for each and every keyword related to your industry,


it requires lots of time, and proper search engine  optimization


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3 Way Linking – The New Link Popularity Building Strategy



There has been a lot of talk over the past few months,

even more so with the latest Google update, about the value of linking. What types of links are better, which types are still seen as value added to a website.


Well if the truth be told,

And the only people who can tell us are not saying anything. I am speaking of the engineers at Google and the other search engines, the very people who are the one who determine the value of all linking.


According to some people at the various search engine optimization companies,

reciprocal links are no longer being considered when determining link popularity for a website. Just like so many of the other theories search engine optimization,



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Outside of the engineering labs,

  Because  no one really knows for certain. I have read some of the reports that have been issued on this topic and these reports are far from conclusive, offering little more than contradictory examples taken over several days of testing.


However from wait and see what happens next time what can we do?

Rather than adopt a reactive position to this uncertainty I feel that it would be far better to move forward and be proactive by changing my linking strategies.  As long as there is any kind of controversy regarding reciprocating links,


There really isn’t much point in relying on them to help build link popularity.

Personally, I still place a value in reciprocating links as a valid means of trading traffic and will continue to utilize them however,


as more and more misinformation gets spread over the Internet it will become increasingly more difficult to exchange links with quality sites.

What is a webmaster to do now that this style of linking seems to be on its way out? Simple – adapt or disappear off the search engine radar.


Well Google’s radar anyway.

For my consultation clients I am going to suggest that they be extremely selective on who they link with now. Spend more time evaluating the potential linking partners.


What if the site measure up to their standards of web development and the theme of the linking site matches their site in some manner then,


Go ahead and trade links.

Before they trade links with any site they should make sure that the partner site is placing their link on a page that has some “on topic”


content rather than a page that contains just random links.

  However  If possible only trade links with sites that employ some form of directory system so that all of the links contained on any given page share a similar theme.


Therefore   I will also be suggesting that they set up their own directory style system broken into categories and every page in each category should contain a topical block of text that ties all potential links together.


Setting up their own system like this will make linking with their site more desirable.

Another strategy I will be advising my clients on is the use of 3 way links. For those of you who do not know what three way links are here is a brief,


Simplistic description: Site A links to Site B, Site B links to Site C, Site C links to Site A.

Pretty straight forward eh? The process is pretty straight forward but the application often is not. The only way three way links work is when all the parties involved are honest and are willing to maintain those links.


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Recently I tested one of my sites and discovered that approximately 80% of the sites I traded links with were not honoring our agreement.


Now I fully expected that there would be some shiftless webmasters out there who would be less than trustworthy but,


I never expected the number to be so high.

Although reciprocating linking isn’t too difficult of a task it does require a certain amount of time and effort.


To have some unscrupulous  webmaster cheat you out of your back link in your reciprocated deal is bad enough but to have one do that to your site in a 3 way link deal is even worse.


 Also  you see a 3 way linking deal requires slightly more effort due to the necessity of documenting all of the information regarding this agreement.


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 Therefore  you are going to go through all of that effort to set up a three way linking agreement you certainly do not want one of the partners to sour the deal by dropping one of the links without notifying any of the other partners.


Besides  the extra work required to establish a successful 3 way linking agreement isn’t too difficult, it is all about record keeping.


After you have researched the two sites that you think would make good candidates for your three way link swap,


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  Besides that you are going to need to contact them and invite them into the exchange.

More than likely you are going to have to lay out the plan and explain to them why a 3 way link deal is good and make sure that they understand that the only way it works is if everybody involved is open,


Honest and up front about everything.

 Part of the research for the 3 way trade you are going to want to make sure that all three sites are in some way related.Not necessarily in direct competition with each other but connected in some way;


much like the way a restaurant site would be similar to a hotel site and the hotel site might be similar to a pub site.


Pretty simple really as a hotel can contain both a pub or a restaurant, it isn’t too much of a stretch to think that these 3 service based businesses could be related somehow.


Once you have the three sites picked that you would like to trade links with make sure you research them thoroughly. The things you want to be checking for are;


Laura Geller


Page Rank ,,, IP,,,,Quality   Age of the sites,,,,Current link popularity


When checking Page Rank you are looking to make sure that everybody is of a similar PR. Don’t get greedy and automatically suggest that your site should be linked from the site with the highest PR.

In fact it might be a good idea to suggest that the higher PR site should link to the lowest PR site.


Doing this may make the deal seem a little sweeter.


It would be best if all 3 sites were on different IP addresses. Sites that are all residing on the same IP may be misconstrued as being part of a link farm strategy. Why take the chance?


Quality This one should be a no brainer.


If the site isn’t of a quality that you would recommend to your friends or family to visit why would you want to risk the  credibility of your site by suggesting that other people go to it?


Rule of thumb here on quality is this; if you wouldn’t bookmark the site for yourself, don’t link to it.


Age of the Sites

The age of the site is important because of the alleged age delay sandbox effect in Google’s algorithms.


If the site is too new then you may have to wait for the site to mature before any weight is given to the out going links from that site 


You should try to make sure that the sites you include in your 3 way linking are at least 1 year old or more. No guarantees that sites over a year are going to be mature enough but at least the odds are better.


Current Link Popularity

First of all  the reason you will want to check out the current link popularity is more about the investigation into their linking history.


Do they currently trade links with sites that may be considered as being from a bad neighborhood.


Do they link to gambling,

porn or FFA sites? If they do and they are not part of the gambling or porn world and your site isn’t either then DO NOT link to them.


Three ways linking in this manner revisits the days when linking was more natural.

This type of linking will demonstrate to the Search engines that you value your linking recommendations and therefore the search engines should value them as well.


Firstly  If the search engines trust your site to make these recommendations then there is no way that the applied due diligence will get you in trouble with the search engines.



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What is Niche Marketing?





The word ‘niche’ is defined as:

“A special area of demand for a product or service”. ‘Marketing’ is defined as: “The opportunity to buy or sell”.


If you put the two works together,

niche marketing means buying or selling a product or service in a special area of demand.


The word ‘niche’ is defined as: “A special area of demand for a product or service”. ‘Marketing’ is defined as: “The opportunity to buy or sell”. If you put the two works together,


niche marketing means buying or selling

a product or service in a special area of demand. All that really means is that a product or service is being sold to the people who are most interested in that particular


Laura Geller


product or service and not to the world in general.


Oftentimes big businesses use niche marketing. For example, 

company that makes computers and computer accessories might advertise all-in-one copy/printer/scanners to the home computer user while at the same time advertising single function machines to large businesses.


One of the things that make niche marketing

so attractive to sellers is that their advertising budgets go further. It costs less to advertise to a specialized market than it does to advertise to a broader market.


Niche marketing must be designed to meet the unique needs of the targeted audience. Niche marketers must tailor their product to meet those unique needs. If,


for example,

you have designed a product to make poodle grooming easy enough for the untrained professional to do it, those who own poodles will be most interested in your product.


Those who own Blood Hounds or cats couldn’t care less.

If you have written an e-book that will explain how to start and succeed at an online business,


those who are looking for that information

are your niche market. Those who are happy doing what they are doing are not interested at all.


Niche marketing is a very effective and cost efficient way to advertise and sell specific products or services to a specific audience or, hopefully, buyers of that product or service.



What Niche Marketing Really Is

It is just one of those hard, cruel facts of life that the big boys have all the money they need to advertise and sell their products and us little guys are on advertising budgets that are so small they


probably don’t add up to what the big boys spend on paper clips in a month. Competing with the big boys isn’t feasible…or possible,


for that matter. So what are us little guys supposed to do?

Niche marketing is our answer. We can’t advertise our products and services to the world at large but we don’t have to be able to do that to be able to make a pretty decent living… thanks to the Internet.


Niche marketing is selling specific products or services

to a limited audience. One person with a computer, an internet connection and a good idea can go into business for himself


on the Internet and target the people who would be most interested in what he has to sell and do all of the above on a very limited advertising budget.


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Finding the right niche for what you have to sell isn’t really all that difficult.


Just think about who the people are who would be most interested in what you have to sell.


For example,

if you have concocted a shampoo formula that will take chlorine out of a person’s hair, you can’t compete with giant companies that sell shampoo but you can narrow your


market down to a niche and target sales to those who have swimming pools. You buy a domain, get a server, and build a website to advertise your product JUST to people who have swimming pools.


In essence, niche marketing is selling a product or service to those who want or need the product the most.



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What is Search Engine Marketing?




If you are a website owner,


you already understand the importance of keywords and advertising in search engines. In order to make sales, websites must use the latest advertising technology geared toward the internet.


These methods include search engine optimization and search engine advertising (pay per click) and are necessary for success in any online venture. Together they are known as search engine marketing.


Search engine optimization

consists of a variety of techniques to increase the rankings of a website in search engines. Search engines base rankings on a number of factors that determine relevance of a site and where they will go in their search results.


The search engines use spider programs

which search out websites and, using algorithms designed by the search engines, gather all sorts of information from the website.


Some considerations in the algorithms consist of things like age of site,


Laura Geller


how often the site is updated,

content, links, and many other things. Search engine giant Google uses PageRank to measure sites,


with 10 being the highest ranking which is given to very few sites.If your site has a 4 or 5, that’s pretty good.


Search Engine advertising

or Pay per Click advertising is another tool used in search engine marketing. By advertising directly with the search engines,


a site will be given higher ranking in search results. Search engine marketing also gives exposure to a site based on content,


so the site appears in search engines when users are looking


for a particular product or keyword.

This targeted searching and advertising is dominating consumer spending. In 2003,


$2.5 billion in sales came from search results, and that number is expected to grow 25 percent this year to $3.2 billion.


Employing these methods

of Search engine marketing will increase your sites visibility in the search results. Both parties win using search engines.


For advertisers using the best techniques of SEO, they will gain visitors who are looking for their specific products or services.


When their business is put into the search engine,

visitors are more likely to visit the site specifically for their services. Research also shows that when




visitors come to a site through a search engine, they are typically more motivated to buy.


There are much more to these techniques than listed above.

Search engine optimization itself is very detailed and complicated. To truly optimize your site,


it is important to hire editors who specialize in SEO. And advertising too requires knowledge of the industry.


It is very important to follow the search engines guidelines to the letter to avoid being penalized.


A company that provides exclusive search marketing services will do everything from keyword selection to monthly maintenance.







10 Tips To capture traffic To Your website




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Companies spend their Internet dollars on the wrong


things and end up leaving no investment for marketing. I was referred to a prospective client recently that had their website redesigned. They paid $60,000 for a site that really does nothing for them.


It is a simple brochure site that provides visitors nothing and it certainly does nothing to convert traffic into sales. Since all their budget went to design, they have no money left over to properly market the site.


Mistake #1, don’t pay $60,000 for a branding exercise.

A corporate website is about supporting the business. The beauty of the Internet is there is no guessing. You can measure pretty much anything. What are you trying to accomplish? Increase traffic? Generate leads?




Increase sales? If it is yes to one of these questions, then a $60,000 investment should get you another $600,00 to your bottom-line? Can a brochure site deliver a 80-95% ROI?


Web design is a commodity today. The cost of design should represent about 25% of your total spend. Design costs are competitive today, so spending more than you have to should be the last thing you do.


There are excellent open source Content Management Systems (CMS) that give you the power to manage your own content. The cost of the software is $0 to you. We recommend using either Plone or Joomla.


Both of these platforms provide you

with Web 2.0 compliant back-end

at low cost for setup and


The value in web design is working with companies that can properly market what you do. To properly market the site, you should be spending 10-12x what you should spend in design.


So, it is possible to get a Web 2.0 website at an affordable cost. If you are a small company that is spending $4,000-$8,000 on a basic website, you should plan over 12 months to spend an additional $30,000-$80,000 on marketing. The dollars spent on marketing brings the traffic to the site.


Simple rule, more traffic through the

front door means more business.

Unlike other advertising, you can control your spend and measure your ROI pretty quickly. You can turn your marketing dollars on and off depending on the performance, it is all measurable.


DeFabis Photography is an example

of a client that went through the

redesign process.

We built a Search Engine Friendly website that allows him to manage content on the site. Prior to working with us, his website was not listed in the top 100 on Google for the popular keywords. Since working with us, his visitors and page views have increased. But most important,


he has doubled his bookings from this time last year. And, he did not spend $60,000 on his web design.



Laura Geller



If you need help in evaluating a prospective vendor, here are some question that may help you understand their knowledge:


1. How do capture visitor traffic off the Internet? Can you track their movement through my site? If so, how?


2. How do manage pay per click advertising dollars to ensure I am maximizing my spend and not wasting money?


3. How do you measure whether my site is friendly to my users?


4. How many page views would you estimate my site would get to determine the right level of hosting?


5. What things will you need to change on my website? What things can I change on my own?


6. If I want to change the look, does it require changes to the backend scripting on the site?


7. What will it take to add a new page to match an ad we are running to the new site? For instance, I want to  advertise a special and build a page specific for it, what will it take for us to do this?


8. What do you anticipate the average cost per lead for the website to be?


9. Who owns the source code to the site?


So, think about your objectives. Think about what you want to accomplish and spend your money according to the results you want to achieve.

A pretty website just does not generate the type of results you should and can get using the Internet. Don’t get mugged for $60,000. It’s bad for your business.


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