‘7 Tips on Self-Publishing Success



woman sitting in a chair at a disk with a laptop

woman sitting in a chair




1. “Self-publishing is an expensive business that has an all-or-nothing aspect to it.

I don’t recommend trying to publish on a shoestring. If you can’t afford to do it right, just don’t do it.” (Simon Warwick-Smith)


2. “First I tell my authors that it’s critically important to plan ahead.

There are 120,000 new books per year on the market, a market that is glutted with books,and one needs to know how to approach that.


Don’t think about marketing, sales, and promotion after you’ve printed your book; get expert help on the cover,




the content, and the page design.” (Simon Warwick-Smith)

3. “Hire a professional book cover designer. The cover is hugely important real estate—it has to scan well into black and white, it has to have integrity at 1½ inches tall,


it has to be clear at 10 feet tall, and it has to fit into its genre and stand out in quality.” (Cynthia Frank)



4. “Approach your book-publishing

venture like you would a business plan: Plan out what you are going to do yourself and what you are going to hire others to do.


I don’t think it’s a good idea to do everything yourself…or to hire everything out.” (Cynthia Frank)


5. “The look and feel and the copywriting

on the cover are the most critical components. They speak for the author and give the book its best chance for success.” (Ellen Reid)



Laura Geller


6. “If you’re really going out there to play

in this $2.2-billion industry, you’ve got to have the same level of product that the traditional publishing houses put out.” (Ellen Reid)


7. “If you do it all yourself,

your book will look like you did it all yourself.” (Patty Weckbaugh of Casa Graphics)


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