10 landscaping Tips For Your Garden



10 landscaping design ideas to enhance your home garden.


A landscape garden need not be just a bunch of decorative plants and lawn.

Read this article to know about many creative items you can use in your




A home garden is a place, which can give identity to your home building in a neighborhood. You can use very little creativity to enhance to look and feel of your



garden so that it stands out from the rest of the gardens in the neighborhood. Here is a list of probable elements you can add to your landscaping garden so that everybody loves it and you get the credit.


1) The compound wall of the home plot defines the boundary of the garden as well.

Use paintings on the wall surface (inside), that will add excitement to your garden .


You can go for a theme based paintings such as nature, waterfalls, sunsets etc..


2) Use stone sculptures of actual human size.

These statues greatly add a uman touch to the garden and also defines a scale to the space.


Everything we use in our daily lives such as clothes, kitchen utensils,


office equipment, computer parts,

are all always related to human measurements. If this is the case with all other objects, why exclude a garden from it.



3) Use a fountain with artificial mood creating lighting.

This adds a great amount of curiosity during night.


4) Use Japanese stone lanterns instead of the normal ones.

This is because stone has its own rough texture as against the smooth and fresh look and feel of the plants in a garden.


This creates “hot-spots” in the garden if you plan to use light bulbs inside the stone lanterns. These stone lanterns can also be used along a pathway to define the direction of movement.


5) Design a pond that flows partially into the home building.

This is a great way to seamlessly connect the interior and exterior of a home landscape.


6) If your garden has a swimming pool, then instead of having normal diving boards,

be little creative and make it into the shape of a house or the person coming out of the mouth of an animal etc…Your kids will love this and will be remembered whoever visits your garden.


7) Create private semi-open patios in your garden.

This is a great place to sit around and chat with your loved ones and also can be used as a small deck during a small party.


8) If you love pets, then try rabbits, ducks along with a small pond,

in the backyard. These pets have very fresh colors and add great amount of liveliness in the garden.


9) If possible plants flowerings trees with fragrance.

This is a free and absolutely amazing way to keep your garden fresh.


10) Create levels in your garden

to distinguish various areas as per the function of the garden. A leveled garden always creates interest and curiosity.


If you have read this article completely you can see I have hardly talked about plats and their species in landscaping.


So landscaping design is also about using creativity with materials and their finishes.


I hope this article helps you to start thinking creatively about your home garden and generate more unique ideas.



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6 Ways To Get The Kids Outdoors This Summer




Summer is time for outdoor fun with your children. However, sometimes the days are long and your ideas are short. Here are some ideas to help you make sure your active ones are busy and getting lots of fresh air this summer.


You Lay on the sidewalk and take turns outlining each other. Decorate your flat selves by drawing clothing and funny faces. To make this project educational, you can read the book “Flat Stanley” as well.


Garden Your child will learn science, responsibility and have fun by planting a garden and maintaining it. In fact, if you have the time or inclination, you can make the entire landscape edible.


How fun would it be to wander around the yard snacking?

Blueberry bushes, strawberries, herbs, and fruit trees are all easy to maintain. Some vegetables,

like tomatoes require nothing but a lot of water and sunshine to grow like weeds. Start small and see what happens.


Hoola Hoops

Has your child ever tried to hoola-hoop? Show him how. Then, take hoola hoops and make a pretend circus in the yard or try to get your dog to jump through one. You are only limited by your imagination.



Teach your kids how to play hopscotch. Let them draw their own hopscotch patterns. If they are like when I was as a kid, they’ll make hundreds of squares and hop around all day.



Bubbles are always a favorite. Take turns chasing and popping them. Blow bubbles with various bubble wands to see how their shapes and sizes differ.


Turn on the Sprinklers

There’s no need to buy a pool when the old-fashioned sprinklers are just as much fun. There is definitely

something special about running around in the front yard through the sprinklers, especially when the neighbor kids see you having fun and join in.


Be sure to print out this list and keep it handy for the next time your children say “MOMMMMMM — we’re




keep your family safe Kids Need To Play Outside How Do You Do That Safely?


If you are a baby boomer then you‘ll remember the good old days when you played outside all day and complained vehemently when you were told to go inside for the night.


If you take a look outside these days the streets are fairly empty with few people even walking on the sidewalk or playing in the grass. We’ve become somewhat paranoid and the game has changed.


It seems like the children have lost their freedom to play safely outside by themselves and with their friends.

Instead we now have very controlled environments of driving your child to a friend’s house or taking them to various extra curricular activities.


While this is still valid I find it a shame that we are victims of fear in this society.

We also have more children becoming couch potatoes watching TV or playing video games. You’ve probably noticed obesity on the rise in America and In U.K and this is true for our children as well.


But we can have some of the good old days back and here are some things you can do to make it safer to let your kids play outside;


1)If several kids on your street that play together,

you can get together as adults and assign on a rotating basis who will keep an eye on all the kids while the others are getting important things done.

But do this job with great care. You have precious little future adults that still look to you for safety.


2)Better still, play games with them.

Someone who is looking to annoy, tease or do harm, is less likely to do so if active adults are on the scene.


3)Prepare for possible emergency.

A family plan firmly in place and understood by all and *drilled*, may be more successful then not having a plan at all.

An example of something you can do, is hang a whistle on a string. Every time the kids go out they put the whistle around their necks.


They are taught that they blow the whistle hard in an emergency situation only!

Tell them the cry wolf story and let them know what the consequences are for blowing the whistle in a non emergency situation.

Can you imagine if all parents in your area are grooved in on this and you hear a whistle go off, you may have half a dozen people or more flying out the door instantly to investigate.





4)Last year on the Oprah Winfrey

show there was a family that had an emergency plan in place that was quite ingenious. In a prior family meeting they developed a code and I believe it was a number code, but any simple code would suffice.

They were told never ever reveal the code to anyone for any reason. It paid off because a man approached their younger daughter and told her, that her parents wanted him to bring her home.


She asked him for the code.

He could not produce one and instantly she ran and averted a potential disaster. On the show, Oprah tried to get the girl to reveal the code but the little girl remained true and would not reveal it.

She was highly praised by Oprah and I thought this was a fantastic plan the parents had come up with. It worked for them and could possibly work for you.


5)Adults are obviously

much stronger than children but that doesn’t mean that a child cannot hurt an adult. Karate or Tae Kwan Do classes can be of benefit to boys and girls. It can not only build character and strength,

but it can also teach them how to get out of certain grips and holds and where to hit in an emergency situation. It may be enough to get away. Also, it’s a great way to keep them fit and healthy.


6)I think that the best thing

you can do is teach your child to be aware. If children learn early on basic safety precautions, it becomes a life long habit.

Do you remember as a kid walking down the street, staring at the sidewalk as you were walking? Teach your children not to do that. Have them scan ahead and all around.

This will do two things; a) they can spot potential trouble ahead of time and b) it gets you out of your head and seeing the world around you. This is good for you to do as well.


Kids need to play and be social and it’s ok to get dirty sometimes.

I see it all the time with my grandchildren that they are the most happy and energetic when they are outside.

They actually fight less and work more as a team with each other and their friends when they can safely play outside. Make yourself and your children more aware and for peat sake, have some fun!




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